Patagonia Images  is online since 2010. This is the place to find images from South Chile and Argentina. The galleries displayed here are just a fraction of the total. They represent landscapes only with more images added weekly. This site is always under development.

The photos are not to be used outside this page, they are copyright material and the use of it should be contracted through the normal commercial practices. There is a Store where images are for sale.

Landscape photography is what I like the most, and the Patagonia region is a great place to compose good landscapes. From central-south Chile all the way to Punta Arenas, there is an abundance of majestic views, with the dark-blue lakes always surrounded by mountains, pristine streams and rivers. It is the place for landscape and nature photographers.

Patagonia is a non-developed area of Chile where the climate conditions are not favorable most of the time, with loads of rain and strong  winds. Those conditions can last for days and can ruin the most of a well planned visit.


At, there are usually lots of images displayed. The idea is not to show a photographer’s  portfolio, it is more like a Portfolio of Patagonia photos.

If my best shoot don’t make justice to the location’s beauty or reputation, I will probably include it anyway. At least visitors can know the existence of good places to shoot. There are GPS coordinates in most of the photos.

As a professional I’m a System engineer that works on sales and marketing for technology (IT) services and products. This not what this page is about.

Photographing is my hobby, sometimes serious, sometimes not that much. It is hard to travel to the locations thanks to no time and/or shortage of funds.